Support Us

Your support is vital in helping us realize our vision of providing privately funded assisted living for special needs adults in our community. With your generous contribution, we can create safe, loving, and supervised homes where individuals can thrive and receive the care they deserve. Together, we can make a profound difference in the lives of those in need.

Thank you in advance for your support and commitment to our cause!


Wish List

Wish List

Residence Location for our future residents :

House with property ( more than 2 acres ) in Anderson, Easley, Liberty, Pickens, Piedmont, Powdersville area, minimun 5 bedrooms 2.5 baths, country Setting or “farm allowed” zoning, small barn or garage, fencing ,privacy, trees

fixer upper is welcome!

Appliance or furnishings for above

Riding lawn mover in good condition for above

Wheelchair accessible vehicle

Cash donation for yearly expenses

Donations of good or services for fundraising events
